Inspection Bible

Ever wonder where the inspectors get the guidelines they follow? The International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) is a universal code that is used across the United States to regulate the condition of existing houses and properties. Saint Joseph follows this code. This book is available on Amazon for $40.00 (at the time of this writing) and it’s also available at the local library. You can even find PDF copies online which can be downloaded for free.

The City of St. Joseph Residential Rental Unit Inspection Checklist provides the section reference from the book where each check is obtained, but please do not stop there. This code also discusses several other points of interest to help you which have nothing to do with the inspection. One example given by the Property Maintenance Division office at City Hall had to do with who is responsible for pest elimination, when and where. If a single family home that was free of pests prior to the tenant moving in becomes infested with pests, is the tenant responsible?